Welcome to Lakepedia

Welcome to Lakepedia

Welcome to Lakepedia

Even though the site was launched in March 2015, the idea of an encyclopedia of lakes sprung up many years ago, when there was no internet. I used to scribble down every bit of information I could find about lakes and rivers, and gather everything in a folder. I am what some people might call a “lake enthusiast”, if there even is such a thing.

What’s Lakepedia all about?

1. Appreciation

The site is all about learning to appreciate our incredible planet in general, and lakes in particular. In a time when much of the world is plagued by environmental concerns, lakes make no exception. Most people might have heard about the Aral Sea environmental disaster, but there are also many other lakes which are going through tough times.

I think we should all take a little bit of time and think of ways to be less wasteful and more appreciative of our planet and its future.

2. Information

Are you a stats geek? Don’t worry, I am too. One of Lakepedia’s main goals is to provide as much information as possible on as many lakes as possible. There are about 3,500 lakes 50 square kilometers in surface area or bigger. There are about 140,000 more, which are 10 hectares or bigger. In total, there are about 117 million lakes on Earth.

3. Recreation

The site is also meant to give you ideas on vacation destinations. What better way to appreciate our lakes than to go out there and experience them for yourself? Lakepedia will try to make that process easier, by providing recreation options, info on how to get there, accommodation information, and much more. And yes, tourism can be done in a responsible fashion.

What’s the Blog about?

On this blog, I will be sharing interesting lake-related stories or topics, that might be out of scope for the rest of the website. It will also provide a good opportunity to communicate with the website’s visitors, and people who are interested in environmental topics.

Please feel free to leave any suggestions or ideas in the comments section or drop a line at [email protected].

So, welcome to Lakepedia, and I hope you enjoy your stay!

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Catalin Trif is a nature enthusiast, blogger, and tech enthusiast. He is also addicted to travel and his guitar.


  1. Tim Gray

    Hi…Very interesting site. I am also a lake enthusiast and wonder how you determined the lake depths (e.g., remote sensing, surrounding topography, water color, etc.). Some of the average depths you report for lakes here in Ontario, Canada are spot on, but others are off quite a bit, compared to official sources. For example, Clearwater Lake in Gravenhurst, Ontario is reported as 2 m average depth, but actually is 10 m, with the deepest spot at almost 30 m, based on the lake bathymetry report from the government.
    Tim Gray

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